Note: This page is under construction in real time and ideas are being plugged in LIVE as they occur to the writer of the website.
Ramala Hubb’Allah suggests that the new era is the era of counsels. These are some of the counsels the new, ecological American President must establish these counsels and call their meetings:
A counsel of American ecologists, with connections to world ecologists
A counsel of American entrepreneurs and investors, with a focus on small and medium enterprise, and micro-enterprise, micro-finance, micro-lending
A counsel of American healers and wellness sector practitioners
A counsel for fitness and food security
A counsel of experts on the cultures, traditions, trade, and languages of key nations worldwide
A counsel for excellence in all areas of life
A counsel for REDUCTIONS — of waste, of pollution, of excesses.
It isn’t excessive to say that the future of America is ecological, transformational, and shamanic. On this note, enjoy this AI-generated vision of a spiritually transformed Donald J. Trump, which gained some traction in recent weeks. (We are not affiliated with this video nor with the maker of it.)