Welcome to The Concepts of a Plan, where the future of America (and the rest of the world, by connection and extension) is reimagined through an ecological-spiritual lens.
The Concepts of a Plan is a website started by visionary and thinker Ramala Hubb’Allah as a gift to inspire the leadership and people of America to bring about an ecological-positive change in the USA, under the possible leadership of President Trump and his team. This possible future team includes Elon Musk who, Ramala believes, sincerely wants to bring about a positive and wholesome change in the USA but may not have clarity about the direction and the aspects of this change within the ecological model.
Why the Need?
Ramala senses that the left-leaning people and politicians of the United States and the rest of the West are operating within a paradigm of limitless growth, and are not sensing and acknowledging the stretch and stress that both resources and people of their nations are under. On the other hand, the right-leaning people and politics may be acting under paranoia, fear, and aggression, but oddly and paradoxically, their fears are in alignment (in Ramala Hubb’Allah’s view) with the ecological shifts and needs of the times.
The Origin of the Idea
The Concepts of a Plan, which borrows a phrase used by President Trump during a presidential debate, is a manifesto website that plays on this phrase to list down several “concepts” that act as lampposts to those who want to bring about a wholesome shift to the way of life and politics in America. By taking an ecological turn right, America, which has ironically been left behind in many ways in this era of collaborative change and shift, can catch up with the rest of the world. This has the potential to bring her hopeful but jilted citizens up to par with the shifts that have come about due to the world moving towards an era of peace, collaboration, ecological guardianship, accountability, values and ethics–quietly, but surely.
The New American Leadership Trifecta
Ramala notes that the trifecta of Mr. Trump + J D Vance + Elon Musk forms a very essential grid of hope and solid action that other nations see America needs.
Mr. Trump: Fiercely-protective, no-nonsense, strong-armed leader of America, with global approval and popular recognition.
J D Vance: Well-articulated young leader with focus on families and awareness of American poverty.
Elon Musk: Encompasses the values of free, grassroots speech; enterprise; imagination. Man with broad-based knowledge that evolves constantly; the quintessential can-do spirit of enterprise.
Read more about the Trifecta.
The State of Prep
Through this website Ramala seeks to call upon the attention of not just this trifecta but also other stakeholders, chiefly the citizens. In her view, the homesteader+prepper movement may have taken the lead in establishing a FAMILY-ORIENTED ECOLOGICAL DIRECTION for themselves and the country.
Ramala believes that it is this movement that lays down the seed for the formation of a new national order and charter, and that everything else including Entrepreneurship needs to be built around it and out of it.
Ecology is the New Core
In fact, Ramala Hubb’Allah believes that all nations need to prioritize what she would call an ecological core that forms, sustains and feeds the society. It is heartening that tens of thousands of people and families are making a movement in this direction, and thinkers and activists have been guiding their respective communities for around fifteen years to move to the safety of an ecological way of being. She believes that politicians and media need to catch up to this secretly-seeding movement.
The Dawn of an Era of Collaboration
Ramala Hubb’Allah has been an ardent advocate for the advent of a positive era of collaboration across the Planet, and that means bringing together diverse fields of bona fide human knowledge, people with varied skills, and weaving together the interests of people in the inner and outer realms of their lives. Ramala asserts that we are living in what she calls an era of convergence in which there is no “here and there, this or that, us. vs. them” but that the fullness of human knowledge, interests and endeavors is present all-at-once in one place, and needs to marshalled accordingly.
About Ramala Hubb’Allah
Ramala has a business degree from Pakistan’s leading business school; worked close to the owners at GEO TV, a leading private TV network in Pakistan; and she quit her job in 2005 to fully immerse herself in the ecological movement that she knew was afoot. In 2013 she shifted to Pakistani Himalayas where she currently lives with her child, Sofia, and has developed an alternative wellness brand, BetterBonds. Sofia is a budding artist. Together, they are seeding an eco-feminine movement.