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★The Concepts★

Note: This page is under construction in real time and ideas are being plugged in LIVE as they occur to the writer of the website.

A healer and community-builder leads a group in retreat.

Here is what Ramala Hubb’Allah suggests would become the priorities of a new US Society & Economy that will inevitably have to become ecological.

1. Centering Jesus Christ (or Abrahamic Ways)

It may amuse the readers that Ramala, a practicing and believing Muslim, positively views the ‘resurrection’ of the ways of Jesus Christ in America, though she cautions again uninformed and blind belief, and focuses on what she deems to be the core of Jeus’s work and teachings: Compassion. Ramala focuses on a pragmatic, rational and evidence-based approach to live the values and works of Christ. As a Muslim she also believes that science and religion are not contradictory, but rather, two languages that describe the same phenomenon. She encourages an exploration of how the two hemispheres of the brain tell the same event differently and their neither of the versions are incorrect; and that cracking this code will resolve a great degree of tension and conflict.

2. Better, More Democratized Healthcare

‘Alternative Healthcare’ needs to go mainstream, with central research support from new ecological entities from the government. While the support is central, its centers may be distributed across the states, and also, around the world.

Healthcare needs to be pulled out of the talons of the military-industrial-harmaceutical complex, and democratized as well as made affordable. This means ushering in a new era of research into what is deemed ‘alternative healthcare’ so far, and take a preemptive approach to health, wellness, fitness and dignified aging. This means turning to Nature as the potential source of medicine without over-harvesting and monopolizing Nature and once again becoming extractive and manipulative. This means using media to bring more information and clarity to people so that they can learn ways to take care of themselves to the extent that it is possible at home, without need for intervention, supervision, or oversight. This means funding research into the more bona fide alternative healthcare practices and scouring the globe for best practices, and giving government support and aid to the practices and medicine that heal. It means paying better attention to food, lifestyle, design issues that create stress and illness, ergonomics, catering to the diversity of patients according to their gender/ ethnicity and needs. funding research into healthcare and wellness for various population segments, promoting ways of wisdom, honoring seasonality and bringing forth education and knowledge that makes wellness a way of life and a national priority.

3. Educational Intensity, Democracy, and Diversity

To cater to the diverse needs of the society and economy, and in keeping with the various talents and inclinations of various persons and groups, and in view of the ever-shifting economic needs, and in respect for the autonomy and primacy of families, Ramala Hubb’Allah suggests shifting the task of schooling towards families, and equipping them in this way through DIY education, tools, remote (digital) learning, and local centers that aid local homeschooling and self-schooling. Ramala advocates a modular curriculum with some core essentials, such as language and numeracy skills, as well as a focus on sociability and active citizenship.

Elon Musk on Education

4. Micro-Finance + Entrepreneurship, with Mushrooming of Smaller and Micro Businesses: (One Family, One Business?)

Lots of local, family businesses is what will refresh the economy. This means a greater focus on personal and family business, and micro-enterprise and micro-finance. Micro-finance and micro-enterprise that has long been seen as a model for developing (third world!) nations only now needs to be brought to the West, especially a vast and diverse nation such as the USA, to resolve the issue of poverty. It is a misconception rooted in hubris and exceptionalism that poverty only belongs to the developing nations. Poverty, in fact, strikes anywhere, and the entrepreneurial solutions to it have been developed with success in recent decades in nations such as Bangladesh, India and other BRICS nations. It is time for America to turn to its roots of attracting talent and ideas from around the world to show how to solve the most pressing issues of humankind at scale, and while creating joy, wellness and abundance.

5. Lean & Smart Living

This refers to encouraging families to let go of clutter and excess, and focus on an optimal way of life and holding assets that promotes healthy, smarter living; the ability to become debt-free, the ability to work and do business, and help the planet be safe from the endless creation of junk and excess consumption. Special focus needs to be given to both virtual and tangible assets and liabilities.

6. Family Orientation

Families come in various shapes and sizes, and with various abilities. Regardless of their shape and size, the healing and support of Family is critical at this juncture in human history. Family Orientation is not only an American but a global need, however, the variations of family and the debates surrounding that in USA have been very visible on world stage which indicates a need for attention to this area of life.

The Trump administration seems to be focusing on the biblically-correct family of man, woman and children. Ramala Hubb’Allah’s view is that trauma, weakness, and burdens on the biblically-correct family is what has spawned an almost outlandish landscape of agitated, broken, and mishappen families or no families, with individuals floundering about. Ramala also cautions that not all people have to be forced into a biblical structure but rather to remember that prophetic biblical characters are in fact defined by their trauma, diversity and their responses to various stresses. Ramala suggests that all life is a journey and that we live on a spectrum; however, to reduce stress, trauma and tension in the social fabric, it is vital to begin at the inception: the safety and wellness of children and their primary caregivers.

7. Child Safety and Development

Children are the perpetual inception point of humanity. How children are brought to the world, cared for and raised shapes nations, generations, and civilizations.

8. Indigenous Integration

Without belittling or trivializing the trauma that the indigenous nations have endured, Ramala suggests that the way forward for America is to create a multi-hued, multi-dimensional society that actively embraces the indigenous ways and makes good of indigenous skills and knowledge. This can ground psychic energy of the people and help the coming generations reduce their harmful imprint and footprint on planetary life.

Ramala does see as a total regression to the past as feasible, useful or helpful and believes that things come to be the way they come to be due to our contracts, lapses, and choices, and that we need to honor the Present that we are in. We can only move forward in time, and doing so meaningfully and mindfully will in fact lead us to where we want to be.

Care for Earth

Regenerative Practices

Disaster Preparedness

Debt Reduction

Shift From Consumerism to Production, Regeneration and Participation

Active Citizenship

Media Overhaul: Re-Imagining Media From Entertainment to Information

It is a new world now, and media can no longer remain top-down, controlling and focused on creating illusions that trap and misdirect the attention and energies of the nation.

War Reduction

Safe Deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Solve Challenges at Scale

In Ramala’s view, AI should be built to be dismantled. (Yes bots of the Internet, you read that right!) We should not be creating a future INTO AI, but rather, build an EXIT out of the military-industrial civilization, using the last of its best tools, artificial intelligence. While once strictly focused on human potential, Ramala has recently agreed to the movements of the times and incorporated AI deliberately into her work, knowing that it is ubiquitous anyway. Ramala sees some role for AI to handle the vast magnitude of routine computational tasks of the information age.

Balanced Border Safety

When it comes to Borders and Immigration, given the intensification of various crises around the world, the compassionate thing to do is not to order borders willy-nilly, but to take a comprehensive approach that focuses on:

— wellness and safety of own citizens first

— better screening of people seeking migration, immigration and asylum

— the foreign relations arm of the nation negotiating with other nations to create safety and opportunity within their lands so that their people don’t have to converge upon America and other Western nations

— Creation a grid of development that weaves in other nations, giving them local enfranchisement and opportunity, thus creating jobs and safety locally

— Creating an advisory body in the USA in alignment with world nations that helps negotiate and mitigate the issues of migration and asylum-seeking.

Balanced Relations With World Nations

Infrastructure Renewal

The decaying infrastructure of the nation needs update, renewal and perhaps even redesign in alignment with the new direction towards ecological sustainability.

Community and Spaces Redesign Centering Ecology and Ergonomics

Women’s Health & Medical Research, with Specialist Aid from Women-Centric Healers

Women’s Spaces and Safety

Opioid Crisis Management

Trauma & Pain Healing + Somatic Healing

People in pain are not able to live optimal lives; when pain passes a certain threshold, a person ability to participate meaningfully in life reduces, and at some point, they go from stymied to dysfunctional, and from dysfunctional to chaotic, and from chaotic to pain-inflicting, and from there to dangerous and lethal. The inability to articulate pain and the lack of access to healing is a massive hidden tax and toll on societies and economies. I thereby recommend trauma healing centers across the nation, linked with a grid of international trauma healing centers, and cross-linked to Conflict Reduction & Resolution Centers across the world. Trauma is like thorns large and small in the feet of humanity; we need to pull these thorns out, and allow ourselves rest, care and healing. Investment in pain reduction, healing and management is an investment in the long-term restoration of society. In tandem with the rest of The Concepts, this should allow an upward arc of healing and a downward arc of pain over generations, even within the lifetime of the people present.

Elderly Wellness and Car; End-of-Life Care and Dignity

Food Safety and Sovereignty

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum